We develop and share insights on driving and scaling impact in Asia through philanthropy
PAA Perspectives
Economies across Asia are changing rapidly, as challenges and opportunities converge — and philanthropy has a role to play in this moment.
PAA Chats
Ayala Corporation -
Mariana Zobel de Ayala
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation -
Gargee Ghosh
Chaudhary Foundation -
Dr. Binod Chaudhary
ClimateWorks Foundation -
Helen Mountford
Clime Capital Management -
Mason Wallick
Dalio Philanthropies -
Ray Dalio
DBS Foundation -
Karen Ngui
Fast Retailing Foundation -
Yoshio Ishida
Give2Asia -
Birger Stamperdahl
Gokongwei Brothers Foundation -
Grace Colet
IMC Pan Asia Alliance -
Chavalit Tsao
Jollibee Group Foundation -
Gisela Tiongson
Mastercard Center for
Inclusive Growth -
Shamina Singh
PT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk -
Arif Rachmat
Roc360 -
Arvind Raghunathan
Tanoto Foundation -
Dr. J. Satrijo Tanudjojo
The Rockefeller Foundation -
Deepali Khanna
UBS Optimus Foundation -
Sheryl Fofaria
Wellcome Trust -
Paul Schreier
World Economic Forum -
Neo Gim Huay