Our Impact / Climate & Nature / Calls to Action

We pilot innovative models to drive positive change through our Calls to Action.

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Accelerating Resilient and Circular Cities

Implementing circularity projects on food, plastics, and the built environment

Clean Cooling Collaborative (CCC)

Transforming the cooling sector by increasing access to clean cooling solutions

Decarbonising Rice

Reducing methane emissions and improving farmer livelihoods

International Blue Carbon Institute

Building capacity and expertise to design and implement high-quality blue carbon projects

Jatropha - A Sustainable Crop for Biofuels

Enabling sustainable growth of high-value biofuel crops to improve livelihoods

Marine Biodiversity Survey of Southeast Asia

Establishing a biodiversity baseline for marine conservation and restoration

OceanX Missions

Tackling marine conservation and sustainability in Indonesia through science, media, and education

Saving Indonesia’s Rhinos

Leveraging technology to protect and conserve the last wild populations of rhinos

Scaling Ocean Conservation through Protection and Production

Bringing together the “twin pillars” of ocean conservation — protection and production

SCeNe Coalition – Building High Impact Nature-Based Solutions

Accelerating high-quality and investible nature-based climate solutions

SEAFOAM - The Ocean as a Vital Climate Solution

Bringing ocean mitigation into national climate agendas

The Mangroves 40 Initiative – M40

Restoring mangrove ecosystems through innovative financing solutions