Project Partner: Southeast Asia Climate and Nature-based Solutions (SCeNe) Coalition
Geographies: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand
What is the core idea of the pilot?
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are activities to protect and better manage our natural ecosystems and have the potential to contribute one-third of the carbon mitigation needed to stabilise global warming. Current global investment in NbS is insufficient to meet the world’s agreed-upon climate change and biodiversity targets. NbS implementors are also typically smaller, local, and community-based grassroots frontline organisations who neither have the expertise or resources in scoping, implementing, and scaling high-quality NbS projects; nor do they possess the necessary networks to link with climate finance and carbon markets. As such, both demand and supply of NbS remain low and there are few opportunities to demonstrate its viability.
Why is this innovative?
Eight international conservation organisations have united to form the SCeNe Coalition, aiming to accelerate and increase significant investments in high-quality NbS that deliver positive outcomes for climate, biodiversity, and communities across Southeast Asia via three workstreams:
- NbS Tool: Publicly available data and mapping platform providing info to FOs and investors for project origination, documentation, and evaluation
- NbS Incubator: Provision of tailored support to develop high-quality, triple-benefit Nbs projects across Southeast Asia that provides carbon abatement potential, biodiversity protection opportunities, and social impact opportunities
- NbS Portfolio: Showcase best practices in developing high-quality NbS projects, strengthen capacity to implement them, and improve access to financing by informing the market (investors, buyers)
What will success look like?
- Increased number of NbS for Climate projects developed in Southeast Asia by FOs supported by the Incubator
- Increased stakeholders participating in and benefiting from carbon markets via these new high-quality NbS projects in Southeast Asia
- Enhanced confidence among investors in NbS and carbon projects in Southeast Asia, along with greater opportunities for investment
- Accelerated and increased private sector investment in triple-benefit NbS for Climate in Southeast Asia, reducing the reliance on philanthropic funding over time
How will success be achieved?

Who is leading the project?
SCeNe is a coalition of eight international conservation organisations with established present in Southeast Asia: The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, IDH, BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society, Mandai Nature, WRI Indonesia & WWF Sg. They are supported by and BCG is a strategic advisor.
The SCeNe Coalition is confident in fulfilling its objectives due to several factors:
- Robust governance structure, bolstered by the collective experience, expertise & networks across the eight organisations within the Coalition, brought together by a fulltime secretariat
- Sustainable operating model, which extends beyond the initial concessionary support offered by the Incubator, through private and public sector investment
- Substantial curiosity and appetite for high-quality NbS projects in Southeast Asia