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Jatropha - A Sustainable Crop for Biofuels
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Jatropha - A Sustainable Crop for Biofuels


Programme Partner: JOil

Region: Global

The Jatropha project aims to reforest degraded land with Jatropha cultivation for sequestering carbon and fueling the bioeconomy. JOil is a change agent for environmental and economic sustainability. JOil strives to mitigate carbon footprint, positively impact livelihoods of communities through a scientific approach to establishing a Jatropha value chain – from cultivation to downstream applications. Jatropha plantations sequester carbon and is a nature-based solution for emission reduction.

JOil is the world’s only commercial producer of Jatropha. JOil’s plantations in Ghana are a combination of nucleus plantations and out-growers’ programs. Jatropha plants, stem and roots sequester carbon from the atmosphere for 30 years. Estimated certified emission reductions (CER) from Jatropha plantations is about 15 tons per annum per hectare (on nucleus plantations).

Jatropha grows on degraded land and hence the cultivation is considered as reforestation of degraded land. The Jatropha crop increases soil fertility, biomass, productivity, and carbon sink of the area. The crop is rainfed and some varieties are drought tolerant. JOil has adopted silvicultural system of conservation of forests – no harvesting, no use of timber, and JOil’s plantations in Ghana are Gold Standard & ISCC certified.

Further reading

International Blue Carbon Institute

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