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SEAFOAM - The Ocean as a Vital Climate Solution
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SEAFOAM - The Ocean as a Vital Climate Solution


Programme Partner: Climateworks Centre

Region: Indonesia

Climate change is a formidable force reshaping our world daily. To secure survival for future generations, we must act now to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. This demands greenhouse gas emissions peak by 2025, and a global transition to net zero by 2050 – without which, excessive heat and energy will warm the ocean, causing devastating cascading effects on marine biodiversity, and the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities and beyond. The ocean holds the key to this transformation, providing 21% of the reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions needed by 2050, and protecting and restoring marine ecosystems to secure a positive future for coastal communities.

By 2050, we envision Southeast Asia successfully achieving net zero emissions, starting with Indonesia—a nation vital for its 17% of global blue carbon (mangrove, salt marsh and seagrass) ecosystems and strong maritime culture. With this goal in mind, we launched the Southeast Asia Framework for Ocean Action in Mitigation (SEAFOAM) to pioneer the inclusion of the ocean in Indonesia's climate mitigation plans, setting a benchmark for other countries to follow. First, we will demonstrate options for ocean-based decarbonisation and create an action plan in line with the country’s climate commitments as outlined in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). Next, we serve as a connective tissue between government and ground actors, translating context-based research and knowledge into policy change, while building capacity in blue carbon. Finally, we will develop an implementation framework to support Indonesia to unlock the climate mitigation potential of its ocean, driven by the latest research and technological innovations.

This transition demands unwavering speed and collaboration. Together, we can harness the ocean's potential for a sustainable blue economy and drastically reduce emissions. Our ambition is not a distant hope— it is the promise to safeguard our planet and secure a flourishing tomorrow for all.

Further reading

International Blue Carbon Institute

Building capacity and expertise to design and implement high-quality blue carbon projects

Scaling Ocean Conservation through Protection and Production

Conservation of the Wetlands of the East Asian Australasian Flyway

Protecting and sustainably managing wetlands to address biodiversity loss

Protecting Marine Ecosystems

Establishing a biodiversity baseline for marine conservation and restoration

Decarbonising Rice

Reducing methane emissions and improving farmer livelihoods

Regional Energy Management Initiative

Providing catalytic support to drive energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions

Protecting Mangroves – The Mangrove 40 Initiative

Restoring mangrove ecosystems through innovative financing solutions

Building High Impact Nature-Based Solutions

Accelerating high-quality and investible nature-based climate solutions

Jatropha - A Sustainable Crop for Biofuels

Enabling sustainable growth of high-value biofuel crops to improve livelihoods

Accelerating Resilient and Circular Cities

Implementing circularity projects on food, plastics, and the built environment